Resources for Second-Language Writers

The TESOL association has a Second Language Writing Interest Section with a very good webpage with resources:

The Purdue Online Writing Lab website has excellent resources for tutoring ESL writers and more.

Many ESL instructors and their ESL students/tutees find the explanations and exercises/self-access activities in these websites helpful:

ESL Cafe

ESL Center

Grammar Safari


A useful and relatively recent bibliography:

Saenkhum, Tanita, and Paul Kei Matsuda. (May 2010). Second Language Writing and Writing Program Administration , WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies, No. 4

A key scholar in L2 writing from Arizona State University, Paul Matsuda, has listed some useful resources on his ASU webpage.

For wider questions about language diversity, the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C. has very useful digests online.