
At Georgetown

Writing 015: Writing & Culture Seminar Models

Phil Sandick partnered with the Cawley Career Education Center at Georgetown.

“I knew I’d have a team to work alongside. I knew I could not do this by myself—but I had supportive partners: not only from an outside organization, but within the writing team and undergrad students on the planning team—who all were familiar with the trials/rewards involved in experimental course design.”

Nate Brown partnered with the Center for Research and Fellowships at Georgetown.

“Instead of having students write papers toward a theoretical audience, a Writing for Others model asked them to create work for a very particular audience, one with real needs and questions. This meant that, in the W4O classroom, students were aware that the choices they made in their compositions would have real-world effects, that I (the instructor) wasn’t the only audience for the work. We often talk about the difference between theory and practice in academia, but a W4O model actually allows us to experience those differences, in real time, with a real audience, and with stakes that aren’t just related to an individual grade.”

Questions and Guidance from Georgetown Faculty

Read the Q+A

Other Models

  • Beautiful Social Research Collaborative – St. Joseph’s University
  • Ut Prosim Beyond Boundaries: Global Outreach During the Pandemic – Virginia Tech
  • Pearce Center for Professional Communication, Client-Based Program – Clemson University
  • “Creativity & Innovation in the Writing Classroom,” faculty workshop series from the Boston University Writing Program
  • Client-based writing about science: Immersing students in real writing contexts​
  • Know Thy Audience: Helping Students Engage a Threshold Concept Using Audience-Based Pedagogy
  • Student and Faculty Perspectives on Motivation to Collaborate in a Service-Learning Course. 

​Design Processes and Activities

  • The Sprint Book: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just 5 Days, by Jake Knapp – includes tools & checklists
  • Design thinking bootleg from Stanford University
  • Agile Faculty: Practical Strategies for Managing Research, Service, and Teaching by Rebecca Pope-Ruark
